Greetings & Gratitude

Greetings & Gratitude

by Susan Old

Dear Readers, thank you all! We hope you’re doing well. It has been an amazing year full of challenges and victories as we continue to publish our fantasy novellas. I am so lucky to share this creative space with Susan Brown and Linda Jordan. When we meet to work on our projects, it won’t surprise you that much of the time is spent discussing cats and dogs. 

Where would we be without our furry friends? They are darling demanding muses, that inspire our tales. Susan Brown’s heroine has a doggy familiar. Linda Jordan’s coven has kitties and pups in their magical home. My Fae royalty consider felines a gift from the gods. I hope you all have a fur baby to cuddle with this winter. 

Inspiration for my writing also comes from a desire to create a world where acts of kindness make all the difference. I used to work with homeless Veterans and found that a seemingly insignificant act could be very meaningful. One Vet told me he was severely depressed while staying with a friend when a cat, (he didn’t like cats), jumped in his lap and purred loudly. Something clicked, he allowed himself to cry as the unconditional affection of the kitty helped him get through a bad time. Of course, he became a cat guy. In my last story Fran’s cats Hugo and Victor help save the day.

I used to work on a Mental Health crisis team and spent many a Xmas Eve taking calls from people who were struggling with the holidays. Having been widowed I understand how difficult it can be. Please take good care of yourselves and find comfort in simple pleasures. Spring will be here in no time to brighten our days.

I also wish to express gratitude to everyone who helps us bring our books to you. Our family members are unsung heroes that never ask for thanks but make our writing lives easier.

Their help includes setting up booths, editing, book covers, and leaving us alone so we can have precious time to write.

We look forward to sharing our upcoming publications. Next year we will bring you a book of short stories followed by a new anthology of shifter novellas. I’m really enjoying branching out into the fantasy realm of shifters, and of course my tale will include a vampire.

Looking forward to seeing you all at events in 2024!

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